Ottawa Lions T&F Club                              09/08/2015 - 3:49 PM
National Youth Track and Field Championships - 07/08/2015 to 09/08/2015 
              Championnats Nationaux Jeunesse d'athletisme              
                            Ste-Therese, QC                             
Event 30  Boys 200 Meter Hurdles 0.762m U16
      Legion: ! 24.27  18/08/2012  Davis Edward, Team Ontario           
    Name                    Year Team                   Prelims  Wind H#
  1 Wylie, Payne              00 Team Saskatchewan        25.51Q  1.1  3
  2 Foudy, Liam               00 Team Ontario             25.92Q -0.6  1
  3 Thompson, Morgan          00 Team Quebec              26.43Q  0.1  2
  4 Medrano, Diego            00 Team British             25.69Q  1.1  3
  5 Vancol, Joshua-Adams      00 Team Quebec              26.06Q -0.6  1
  6 Lenton, Jorrin            00 Golden Ears              27.80Q  0.1  2
  7 Mather, Liam              00 Team Ontario             26.01q  1.1  3
  8 Clark, Liam               00 ST Thomas LE             26.66q  1.1  3
  9 Stathis, Mackenzie        01 Lachine                  27.35  -0.6  1
 10 James, Noah               00 Valley Athletics         27.65   1.1  3
 11 Bachmier, Michael         00 Team Manitob             27.86  -0.6  1
 12 Exley, Adam               01 Laurel Creek             27.98   0.1  2
 13 Healey, Cole              00 Team New Brunswick       28.05   0.1  2
 14 Van Der Ploeg, Rienk      00 Sundown Athl             28.30   0.1  2
 15 Tang, Lyndon              00 Laurel Creek             28.56   0.1  2
 16 Bell, Hayden              00 ST Thomas LE             28.59   1.1  3
 17 Villanueva, Jestoni       01 Team Manitob             35.57  -0.6  1