Ottawa Lions T&F Club                                  09/08/2015 - 3:49 PM
  National Youth Track and Field Championships - 07/08/2015 to 09/08/2015   
                Championnats Nationaux Jeunesse d'athletisme                
                              Ste-Therese, QC                               
Event 27  Women 100 Meter Hurdles 0.762m U18
      Legion: ! 13.38  17/08/2012  Nicole Setterington, London Legio        
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals  Wind Points
  1 Christie-Galloway, Keira  99 Ottawa Lions T.F.C.      13.80  -0.1       
  2 Stenekes, Brittany        98 Team Ontario             13.86  -0.1       
  3 Bykovskaia-Dominique, Ar  99 Team Quebec              13.89  -0.1       
  4 Mulder, Jaiden            98 Border City AC           14.10  -0.1       
  5 Bains, Chicago            98 Team British             14.22  -0.1       
  6 Hall, Kaylyn              99 London Legio             14.66  -0.1       
  7 Melvin, Alissa            99 Team Ontario             14.68  -0.1       
  8 Slessor, Katelyn          98 Team Alberta - Nwt       15.62  -0.1